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Connect, Engage and Create Opportunities

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Your profile

This is your chance to shine in the North West MPX community. Upload your photo, share your business details, and craft a networking statement that sets you apart.

Your profile is your digital handshake – make it count!

Please note:

  • Your profile will come to life within approximately 5 minutes of submission!
    In the meantime, why not explore other member profiles?

  • Any fields left blank will not appear on your profile.

  • You can come here anytime via the header or footer links to add or update details on your profile.

Profile picture





First name
Last name
Your Role
What is your role at the 2024 North West MPX?
What brings you to the 2024 North West MPX?
phoneYour Phone number
email Your Email

Where to find out more and connect with you online

IMPORTANT - Each link set up has 2 Steps you need to complete for your link buttons to work:

  • Step 1 - Enter the full URL address for your link.
    Make sure to include https:// so your button works.
    *Tip - you can easily copy the full URL from your browser bar.

  • Step 2 - Add a name to be displayed on your button for your link.
    Your button for your link won't be shown unless it has a name.

link Your Website

Please be sure to include https:// or your button will not work!


Don't forget your button name, or your button will not work!

linkYour LinkedIn Company Page or Profile

Please be sure to include https:// or your button will not work!


Don't forget your button name, or your button will not work!

linkYour Facebook Company Page or Profile

Please be sure to include https:// or your button will not work!


Don't forget your button name, or your button will not work!

linkOther link

Please be sure to include https:// or your button will not work!


Don't forget your button name, or your button will not work!

linkOther link

Please be sure to include https:// or your button will not work!


Don't forget your button name, or your button will not work!

Quick Reminder - The details you share in your profile will be visible to other members of the Networking Hub.

Share what you're comfortable with - it's all about making meaningful connections!

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